Wednesday, April 29, 2015

PSAs To Go (Special Offer!)

Buy them here:

Retail Price: $3.90
You Save: $1.91 (49%)

Item No: 403879

Status: In Stock

Product Rating

Exclusively for SFI Affiliates with an EXISTING standing order for the S-Builder Co-op*: Unlimited PSAs To Go for just $1.99 each!
This is our very BEST price for PSAs To Go, and you can order as many at this price as you like! Each PSA will be assigned to YOU as their sponsor and could help boost your SFI business, strengthen your team, and increase your potential earning power.
As their personal sponsor, you'll earn 45% of the CV (Commission Volume) each time your PSA places an order at And that's just the beginning. Teach your new PSAs how to sponsor and duplicate, and your PSAs can eventually become a group of thousands of affiliates in your downline. For each that becomes an EA2, you can earn lucrative Matching VersaPoints--down a full 12 generations! See SFI compensation plan.
Your new PSAs will be generated through a third party working directly with SFI, from targeted campaigns--directed at people who actively search business opportunities from all over the world. Please note: These are NOT prospective affiliates. Rather, these are actual new SFI affiliates provided to you in real time as they sign up.
Upon payment, please allow up to five days to receive your PSAs.
TIP: Be sure to get in touch and follow up properly with your new PSAs as soon as you receive them. Here's how: Using the "Date Joined" filter on your Genealogy, select your new PSAs. Then click on each of their SFI ID numbers to access their Affiliate Snapshot and the Welcome Letter sending tool. Then, use our Awesome Sponsor article as your guide for ongoing support of your new PSAs.
Don't have an S-Builder Co-op Standing Order? Click HERE to set up one right now!

Keywords: Psa Sponsored Affiliate Sfi So

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Get Started in SFI

First Steps
Welcome to your first issue of LaunchPad™! Over the next 30 days, LaunchPad™ will provide you with the information you need to build a fun and profitable SFI business. Each day will cover a different "bite-sized" topic so that you won't have to absorb too much information at once. And at the end of 30 days, you'll have a great foundation to build upon. And don't forget that you earn 15 VP for every LaunchPad™ lesson you complete!
Of course, feel free to jump ahead if you want (by using this index). After all, it's YOUR business—so set the pace YOU are comfortable with. SUGGESTION: You may want to print out each day's edition of LaunchPad and place it in a 3-ring binder for easy offline reading and review.
NOTE: To help ensure you receive all your LaunchPad™ lesson e-mails (and other vital newsletters and notifications from SFI), enter into your e-mail program's address book and/or whitelist. Also, be sure to enter the e-mail addresses of your SFI sponsor (, co-sponsor, and team leaders into your whitelist so you'll be sure to receive important messages from your upline. Doing this action also earns you another 100 VersaPoints!
Now let's get started with today's LaunchPad lesson…
As explained on your "Welcome to SFI" Page, getting started making money with SFI is as easy as earning points for doing simple free actions. For your complete list of pointable actions, see your SFI To-Do List located on your SFI homepage HERE. NOTE: Complete the five "Fast-Track" actions in the Getting Started section of your To-Do List (look for the green or red JET icons) and generate a minimum of $20 USD in sales and/or purchases within your first 10 days as an SFI Affiliate to become a Fast-Track Member and get valuable, exclusive bonuses! Learn more.
But that's just the beginning of the income opportunities now available to you as an SFI affiliate! In today's LaunchPad, we want to introduce you to one of those opportunities...our FREE Entrepreneur365 (E365) contest.
As a new SFI affiliate, we've automatically entered you into E365. Here's how it works:
E365 is a challenge in which you compete with every other SFI affiliate who joined SFI the same day you did. The idea is to outlast them all and, on your 365th day in SFI, be named the champion of your class—an Entrepreneur365 Champion!
As an E365 Champion, you'll receive special corporate recognition, a spot on the E365 "hall of fame" Website, bragging rights, and a handsome plaque for your office wall to commemorate your achievement, and more. AND, along the way, you will have the opportunity to win thousands of dollars in cash and prizes, too!
The E365 competition is based on VersaPoints and is divided into six rounds.
Your first round is from 12/18/2011 to midnight CST 12/24/2011. By the end of the round, you simply need to be "above the green line" to advance to the second round of the challenge. And just by advancing, you will immediately win your first E365 prize!
What do we mean about the green line? You'll find the "green line" on the E365 Leaderboard. It displays the MEDIAN number of VersaPoints scored by all the members of your class to date who are in the contest. To advance to the next round and win a prize, you simply need to score more points than the median (i.e. be above the green line).
Would you like to see where you stand in the contest right now (and/or see the prize list and complete rules)? GO HERE.
If you're still in your first 30 days in SFI and you're currently ABOVE the green line, good job, keep up the great work! If you're UNDER the green line, however, don't panic. All you need to do is take more actions on your To-Do List, and score some more points before the round ends.
All of the first five rounds use the same simple rule: Stay above the green line and you advance—and win more prizes (and the prizes get BIGGER each round). For the sixth and final round, to be named Entrepreneur365 Champion, you'll simply need to accumulate the most VP in your class by the end of your 365th day. More on this in later lessons...
We think E365 is a really fun contest, and it gives you some great goals to shoot for during your first year in SFI. Plus, you've probably already figured out that while you're competing in E365, you're, of course, also accumulating LOTS of VersaPoints—points that can put money in your pocket from the TripleClicks Executive Pool.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Persistance is necessary

Persist until you win

Building a successful business will require persistence and determination. Though many would like you to believe otherwise (including most of our competitors), there's simply no such thing as "get rich quick." And, I'm sorry, but almost all "overnight success" stories you hear about were actually YEARS in the making.

Don't Quit

Success comes before work ONLY in the dictionary, but stick with it and you can experience the massive success that those with unrealistic, "I-want-it-now" expectations never hang around long enough to receive.

This is the core of my personal success. I hung around! I'm sure hundreds of thousands of people started a business in 1985 as I did, most perhaps with more experience, more talent, and/or more money to invest, who are no longer in business today. Why did I succeed when they did not? I believe it's because I APPLIED MYSELF to the goals I set for myself and I refused to fail. "Persist until you win" has always been my motto and it continues to serve me every single day!
"Failure is the path of least PERSISTENCE."

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
-John Calvin Coolidge