Monday, June 11, 2012

2 Ways to Become An Expert in Online Marketing

Hello all..
Have you ever heard that in order to become successful online you have to present yourself as the “expert” in whatever it is you’re selling online??
I hear it all the time… and I also SAY it all the time, because it’s important.
Unfortunately this is one thing that de-motivates people from going forward in their online business..
“‘What? I’m not an expert!”
“Why would they believe me if I’m not an expert??”
“How can I be thought of as an expert if I don’t consider MYSELF an expert??”
So therein lies the “catch 22″, right?
You can’t sell more because you’re not considered an expert. You can’t be considered an expert until you sell more..
So.. how do we get around this? It’s easier than you think..
Well, first we need to consider what an “expert” actually is, specifically in internet marketing.
You are an “expert” in this business when: You know something that someone else doesn’t know yet (and wants to know).
Yup, that’s it.. well almost..
You’re an “expert” if you can teach that person how to do that “something” that they don’t know.
First example, if you know how to install a wordpress blog, that’s a service you can promote to those that want to know how to install a wordpress blog. In that case you are the “expert” because you’re the go-to guy/gal for that particular service.
Get it? Seriously. It’s a basic part of marketing. Your job is to find (or be) the solution to a problem that others are having, and let them know that you have it.
So the 2 ways to become an expert in online marketing:
1. Learn something new and find people that don’t know what you just learned.
2. Teach something you already know to those that don’t know it.
Don’t underestimate the things you already know. Fact: You have knowledge that other people do not (we all do).  It could be anything and doesn’t have to do with internet marketing.
Example: If you know how to fix lawnmowers and can guide people through the process in an easy step by step fashion, you can make money with that information. (I don’t know how to fix lawnmowers but some days I’d sure like to know how :) )
So.. become an expert on something (you probably already are), and sell it!
Have a great day!
- Geoff Stephen

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